VLSI or Very Large Scale Integration is a way through which integrated circuit is created by integrating millions of transistors into a single chip. This design has become the most happening field of electronics and is finding its application in diverse range of electrical equipment like computer peripherals, cell phones, satellites, defense aerospace, consumer electronics, set top entertainment boxes and several other devices. All those candidates, who are looking to build a career in VLSI field, Vector Institute offers training program in VLSI technologies, which is designed to meet the contemporary demands of the industry. Our VLSI technologies course trained candidates with various domains of chip design.
Our training course on VLSI technologies is the right blend of classroom teaching, hands-on experience and workplace dynamics. The candidates undergo this training through classroom teaching and practical classes in the initial training program, which is followed by industry-driven projects in the next training program. After successfully completing the training program that candidate become proficient and job ready in diverse areas of VLSI Logic and Physical design. The entire VLSI training program is designed in such a manner that candidates well understand the concepts and get good overview of the design requirements.
Our VLSI Design Course imparts ASIC, FPGA design flows, and trains engineers extensively on the VLSI design methodologies, CMOS, VHDL, Verilog and System Verilog. An unprecedented demand for the expert professionals of VLSI Design is encouraging us to offer course that geared towards meeting the increasing demand of the electronic industry.
VLSI can be used in the design and implementation of VLSI/ULSI and microelectronic systems. Its applications range from computer systems to automotive to consumer electronics. Some of the research and development areas where VLSI is employed include:
In the recent years, there has been a significant increase in the demand for chip driven products in consumer electronics, medical electronics, communication, aero-space, computers and many other sectors. Seeing this phenomenal market demand, more and more chip designing companies have set up their units in India eying on the Indian talents. Moreover, many of the Indian Major IT companies have also forayed in Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) design in a big way.
With the design & manufacturing market (both domestic & international) expanding rapidly, there is an enhanced demand of trained professionals who will boost the technical work force in the VLSI domain.
VECTOR Institute provides the students with the complete knowledge about ASIC and FPGA design flow. Our VLSI training process has been designed by keeping in mind the current requirements of today’s semiconductor industry. Our VLSI trainers, with the prime focus on ASIC, train the VLSI students in front-end design and ASIC verification practices. We, at Vector Institute, aims to equip the VLSI students with all the necessary skill sets in VLSI to not only find a job in blue chip companies, but also build a long-lasting and successful career in ASIC and FPGA design-based industry.
Our VLSI training components are comprised of: